Measures to Implement the Uniform Information Policy
At present, MRSK Holding applies the Concept of the Uniform Reputation Policy, which enables the Company to identify top-priority target audiences in order to establish effective communications aimed at shaping a favorable business and social environment for the Company and SDCs. Communications with small and medium-sized businesses, large corporations, the energy-related sector, scientists, expert communities, public organizations and other stakeholders are systematic and target-oriented.
The media centers of the Company and FGC UES, the various levels of information centers of grid companies, and the information departments of EMERCOM, the Russian Ministry of the Interior, and the regional and municipal administrations cooperated effectively in 2012, ensuring the uniformity of the Company’s information policy.
The Company developed and approved a provisional instruction on the procedure for disclosing and disseminating information about the activities of FGC UES, the Company, SDCs, and branches in crisis situations, which proved effective in the reporting period.