
Annual report 2012

Social report 2012


Energy Efficiency and Energy Conservation

The Company focuses its activities in the area of energy conservation and energy efficiency enhancement on:

  • organizing subsidiaries’ activities in the area of energy conservation and energy efficiency enhancement;
  • participating in improving the regulatory and legal framework;
  • creating and improving conditions for developing and implementing innovative technologies in the distribution grid sector;
  • ensuring the implementation of the energy conservation and energy efficiency enhancement programs of subsidiaries.

The following targets of energy conservation and energy efficiency enhancement were approved in accordance with the energy conservation programs of subsidiaries:

  • decreasing the per-unit consumption of energy resources for production and business needs;
  • reducing electricity losses;
  • implementing the long-term development programs for electricity metering systems in the retail markets.

In 2012, the effect of electricity loss reduction measures was 2,326.3 million kWh (5,633 million rubles). Table below shows the results of the principal measures taken to reduce electricity network losses in 2012.


Item Programs/Measures Effect (million kWh) Effect (million rubles)
1. Target-oriented measures including: 1,459.6 3,560
1.1.1. Organizational measures 1,424.2 3,448
1.12. Technical measures 35.4 112
2. Ancillary measures including: 866.7 2,073
2.1. Development program for electricity metering systems 760.3 1,844
2.2. Technical upgrading program 53.7 82
2.3. Repair program measures 43.4 128
2.3. Long-term distribution grid development program 8.6 13
TOTAL 2,326.3 5,633

In 2012, energy resource consumption for production and business needs totaled 4,987.7 million rubles (inclusive of VAT).


Item Target Value/Indicator Unit Plan Actual Deviation, %
1.2. Consumption of resources for business needs, including by resource type: million rubles (exclusive of VAT) 5,587.55 5,170.41 -7 electricity million rubles (exclusive of VAT) 2,917.86 2,515.50 -14 electricity million kWh 1,102.2 1,054.5 -4 heat million rubles (exclusive of VAT) 551.75 474.90 -14 heat thousand Gcal 530.68 462.83 -13 other (gasoline, kerosene, diesel fuel, etc.) million rubles (exclusive of VAT) 1,989.07 2,071.11 4 other (gasoline, kerosene, diesel fuel, etc.) tonnes of fuel equivalent 104,053 106,573 2
1.2.2. hot water supply thousand cbm 154.49 137.03 -11
1.2.2. hot water supply million rubles (exclusive of VAT) 5.89 6.41 9
1.2.3. cold water supply thousand cbm 3,151.79 2,807.70 -11
1.2.3. cold water supply million rubles (exclusive of VAT) 74.89 62.66 -16
1.2.4. natural gas thousand cbm 13,793.56 11,554.08 -16
1.2.4. natural gas million rubles (exclusive of VAT) 47.69 39.51 -17

In accordance with Federal Law No. 261-FZ of November 23, 2009, “On Energy Conservation and on Energy Efficiency Enhancement …,” the Company organized work in 2012 on energy audits of the Company subsidiaries. During the reporting year, the Company inspected buildings and structures used for production and administrative purposes and electric grid facilities.

In total, the Group developed about 195,000 targeted measures enabling it to realize the identified potential in the conservation of primary energy resources as shown below:

  • electricity: 12,149.8 million kWh, including electricity losses of 11,811.5 million kWh;
  • heat: 146 thousand Gcal;
  • water: 740.2 thousand cbm;
  • natural fuel: 58.48 thousand tonnes of fuel equivalent, including engine fuel of 43.6 thousand tonnes of fuel equivalent.

In money terms, the potential identified by energy audits in energy conservation and energy efficiency enhancement is 30,678 million rubles, including 28,655 million rubles resulting from measures to reduce electricity losses.

Reduction of Energy Resource Consumption for Business Needs

In 2012, the effect of measures to reduce energy resource consumption for business needs was 55.7 million rubles. The table below shows the results of the target-oriented measures taken in 2012 to reduce energy resource consumption for production and business needs.


Item Programs/Measures Unit Effect (in physical terms) Effect (rubles in millions)
1 Electricity million kWh 17.2 41.7
2 Heat Gcal 7,452.6 13.3
3 Hot water supply thousand cbm 0.1 0.1
4 Cold water supply thousand cbm 24.1 1.1
5 Natural gas thousandcbm 96 0.4
TOTAL 56.6

Financing of Energy Conservation Measures

The energy conservation programs were financed under the capital investment and repair programs. In accordance with the capital investment programs of the Company subsidiaries, the amount spent in 2012 on measures aimed at and associated with energy conservation and energy efficiency enhancement was 36,383 million rubles (exclusive of VAT). The amount directly spent on energy conservation and energy efficiency enhancement totaled 8,343 million rubles (exclusive of VAT).