Browsing history
- Main page
- Management and Control Bodies
- Role and Business Position of the Company
- Total Workforce by Employment Type, Employment Contract, and Region
- Financial Performance of the Company (IFRS)
- The Company Procurement
- Innovation and Research
- Responses to Requests from and Public Associations
- Organization and Principles of Customer Relations
- Economic Impact
- Company profile
- Electricity distribution
- Corporate Administration of Subsidiaries
- Charity and Sponsorship
- Federal Target-Oriented Programs
- Production Control, Occupation Safety and Process Safety
- Disclaimer
- Key Performance Indicators
- Information Technology and Telecommunications
- Basic Principles of Personnel Policy
- Principles and Practices of Disclosures
- Download center
- Financial Performance of the Company
- Results of Investing Activities
- Key Goals of Environmental Responsibility
- Strategic Principles of Development
- Main Stakeholder Groups
- Key Risk Factors
- Corporate Governance Structure
- Key Events
- Share Issues in 2012
- Uniform Reputation Policy and Integrated Communications Management
- Shareholding structure and Securities Market Overview
- Search
- Message from the Chairman of the Management Board
- Consolidated Investment Program
- Internal Control and Risk Management System
- Policy and Practices of Purchases from Local Suppliers and the Share of Such Purchases in the Material Regions of Operations
- Bond Issues and Credit Ratings
- Internal Control and Risk Management
- Title
- Environmental Safety and Environmental Protection
- Human Capital and Social Responsibility
- Environmental Protection Initiatives and Current Programs
- Remuneration Paid to Members of the Management Bodies
- Tariff Campaign Results
- Energy Efficiency and Energy Conservation
- Professional Contests
- Number and Structure of Personnel
- Dividend Policy
- Relations with Labor Unions
- Technical Audit
- Social Impact
- Provision of Network Connection Services
- The Company Overview
- Title
- Uniform Youth Policy
- Investor/Shareholder Relations Policy
- Производственная деятельность
- Business Planning Overview
- Preventing and Remedying Emergency Situation in the Electric Grid Sector
- Occupational Diseases, Lost Days, and Absenteeism
- Site map
- Awards Received in the Reporting Period
- Corporate structure and Market Geography
- Key Operating Indicators of the Distribution Grid Sector
- Personnel Training and Development Programs
- Tariff Policy
- Personnel Policy and Human Resource Management
- Measures to Implement the Uniform Information Policy
- Title
- Glossary
- Network Connection Services
- Customer Service
- Existing Labor Remuneration System and Motivation Programs
- Core Activities
- Customer Relations
- Electricity Distribution Services
- Substantial Financial Aid Received from Government bodies
- Title
- Internal Control and Risk Management System Model
- Title
- Health Care and Approaches to Social Support for Personnel: Sanatorium-Resort Therapy, Recreational Activities and Health Promotion, Sport
- Non-State Pension Coverage (NSPC); Provision of Care for Pensioners and Veterans
- Main Areas of Integrated Communications
- Глоссарий
- Share of Personnel Covered by Collective Bargaining Agreements
- Развитие системы социальной отчетности
- Message from the Management to the Shareholders
- Management Statement
- Short Names
- Обращение Председателя Правления
- Заверение отчета
- Об отчете
- Карта сайта